Discover the Magic of Easy Reading with the Easy View Extension

The digital age has made it possible for information to be within our reach anytime, anywhere. But sometimes, this abundance of information can lead to cluttered, hard-to-read web pages that make our online reading experience far from enjoyable. Enter the Easy View Extension, a revolutionary tool designed to transform your web browsing and reading into a magical experience.

Experience Better Online Reading with the Easy View Extension

The Easy View Extension is a Chrome add-on that provides a way to view web content in a clean, reader-friendly format. With just a few clicks, you can strip away the distractions of a typical web page, leaving you with pure, readable text that’s easier on the eyes and mind.

Easy View prioritizes user comfort and adaptability, providing an easy-to-navigate interface that offers tools to adjust font size and switch between dark/light modes for focused reading. Whether you’re a student pulling an all-nighter, a professional conducting extensive research, or an older adult enjoying leisurely online reading, Easy View caters to your specific reading needs and preferences.

What Makes an Easy View Different?

Easy View stands out from other readability tools by combining simplicity and functionality. With a straightforward installation process and a user-friendly interface, it allows everyone, regardless of tech-savviness, to benefit from its features.

To use the Easy View Extension, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install the Easy View extension for Chrome.
  2. Pin the extension for quick access.
  3. Click on the extension icon to open the active page in a reader-friendly format.

In no time, you’ll be able to enjoy a seamless, comfortable online reading experience like never before.

Join the Reading Revolution

Download EasyView

View, edit, and print web pages with a simple extension.